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Universal Mina

Supplying Across the Globe

The Leading Supplier of Indonesian Seafood

About Us

Prioritize Customer Satisfaction

Universal Mina is a supplier of aquaculture and capture (marine) fisheries products from Indonesia. Currently, our main product is shrimp. Our shrimp products include white shrimp, tiger prawns, dogol prawns, flower prawns and vannami prawns.

Our company works with factories and producers who already have standardized products worthy of export shrimp. For more than 10 years we have exported shrimp to several countries in Asia, including China, Singapore and Malaysia.

As a trading company, we take part in ensuring product quality, terms of agreement, payment methods and documents in Indonesia. Universal Mina set up a private quality control team to keep production as agreed. We continue to grow to expand our business scale to several other countries by prioritizing product quality.

Our Head Office and Factory are located in Pati, Central Java.

Our Facility

We Offer A Services

Management of shrimp from partner ponds and capture fisheries into shrimp products that are suitable for export. This work is carried out by 50 to 100 workers according to our company procedures and standards. We understand that food management is a hygiene and value industry.

Choice supplier
Choice Supplier

We receive high quality shirmps from our partners around Java.

Sorting Shrimp

The process of selecting shirmps based on size and detection of physical and biological contamination


Remove soil and dirt on shrimps skin and ready to be packed.

Pabrik Dari Dalam
Packaging & Checking

Packaging shrimp as requested standardizing buyer orders and double-checking the quality of shrimps.


Freezing process with temperature ranging from -18°C to -25°C after sterilization.

Metal Detector
Metal Detection

The process of detecting metal and steel in the products and ready to be stored or shipped.

Our Product

Prioritize Product Superiority

Vannamei Shrimp
Vanname shrimp are often called whiteleg shirmp. Vanname shrimp is one of the most widely cultivated shrimp in Indonesia. Shrimp, which is famous for its white legs and knuckled body, is very popular because it has a fairly high economic value and is very salable in the market. Vanname shrimp are very suitable to be processed into various kinds of dishes, from frying, balado, soup, or as a complement to dishes.



Taken directly from pond farmers



On Request



Frozen or Fillet






On Request
Choice supplier
Dogol Shrimp
Dogol shrimp or also known as pink shrimp are shrimp that are popular with many people. The name pink shrimp in this shrimp is taken from the color of the skin which is pink. But there are also those that have a greenish yellow color which are generally referred to as "yellow white shrimp". Because the size is not too big and not too small, this shrimp is suitable as a complement to dishes by frying it in flour or mixing it as a salad ingredient.



Wild Caught



On Request



Frozen or Fillet






On Request
Pink Shrimp
Shrimp Flower
Flower prawns are more common in Thai cuisine, so they are also called “Thai flower shrimp”. Why is it called a flower or a shrimp flower? This is none other than because this shrimp pattern is similar to a flower. This shrimp shell is green-black coupled with brown transverse stripes. The legs are slightly reddish in color. These shrimp can be processed into various types of dishes, for example by sautéing the shrimp and then adding garlic, chili, oyster sauce and asparagus and mushrooms to it. The prawn flower dish will taste delicious when eaten with warm rice.



Taken directly from pond farmers



On Request



Frozen or Fillet






On Request
Flower Shrimp
Windu Shirmp
Windu Shrimp is one of the most popular export commodities in Indonesia. Its large size and sweet taste make this shrimp in demand in the domestic and foreign markets. These shrimp can reach up to 35 cm in length and weigh 260 grams/head. This shrimp, which is native to Indonesia, is also known as black tiger shrimp. Because this shrimp has a hard body shell, bluish green in color, and has large stripes like a tiger. The skin is also quite thick and hard with a green or red color and a rather dark transverse line. This shrimp is suitable to be processed into shrimp tempura. Larger prawns are commonly cooked and enjoyed as honey-grilled prawns, prawn curries and prawn sate.



Taken directly from pond farmers & Wild Caught



On Request



Frozen or Fillet






On Request
Tiger Shrimp
Jerbung Shrimp/White Shrimp
Indonesia is the biggest shrimp producer in the world. Jerbung shrimp or also known as white shrimp is one of the easiest shrimp we can find on the market. This shrimp has the characteristics of thin and slippery skin, with a slightly yellowish-white color accompanied by green spots. Jerbung shrimp's body size can reach 20.32 cm. It also has a dense texture, so it can be processed into various preparations for consumption, such as steamed, boiled, baked, or fried. However, because the skin is thin and slippery, this shrimp is not suitable for cooking by burning it because it will burn easily.



Taken directly from pond farmers



On Request



Frozen or Fillet






On Request
White Shrimp 1

Our Business Overview


Contact Us


Ds. Mulyoharjo RT 11 RW 01 Kec. Pati, Kab. Pati Jawa Tengah





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